Sunday, September 15, 2019

Another New Island - and Diamonds

I jumped into my boat and sailed past the original spawn island to go visit an entirely new island that looked promising. My plan is to turn this into an outpost with a large wooden lookout tower.

Here I am in my boat, approaching the island.

And here I am arriving.

 It has a lot of sand, some oak and birch trees, and a few red poppies growing. This looks like a nice place to build a tower. First, I'll need to chop down all of those trees and then start building.

I built the first set of wooden walls for the lookout tower and then started digging a tunnel underneath once night began to fall. Unfortunately, I haven't slept in my cozy bed for several nights, and two phantoms started to attack. I hid inside my tunnel and took care of them with my bow and arrow,

 Back underground, I found a large cavern with waterfalls and lava. It seems to be close to a deep part of the ocean, because when I examined the source of the waterfalls, it opened up to the ocean floor.

Here's where the waterfall meets a lava flow, creating obsidian.

 At long last, I found diamonds! But not before I was killed by three baby zombies. Those guys are the absolute worst. They are very difficult to kill because they move around so fast. Just one gives me trouble. Trying to take on three was impossible. The good news is that I was able to respawn and quickly return before any of my stuff disappeared. I was worried I would lose my enchanted bow of infinity.

 So now that I have diamonds, I have a diamond pick axe and that means I can start mining obsidian. I also found some magma blocks underneath a pool at the bottom of the cavern.

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