Saturday, September 14, 2019

Starting a New Game - Sand Island

I'm starting a new Survival Mode game in Minecraft. This one has a tough spawn point. A very small island with just sand.

Fortunately, there's another island just a short swim away that has a small cluster of trees. That's enough wood to get started with making tools and doing a little digging. It will be a good place to spend my first night.

Once I reach the tree island and start chopping some wood, I notice an even bigger island in the distance. This one looks like it might have some animals on it. Once I have enough wood here, I'll build a boat and head over to this bigger island.

In the meantime, I discovered a giant hole in the ground here on tree island. Unfortunately, the way I discovered it is by stepping into it and falling to my death. All I lost was some wood that I had been chopping. Good thing there are plenty of trees here.

At least this deep hole in the ground has some iron. That will be useful.

Even though my little island is very remote, a wandering trader decided to visit. I have no emeralds to trade with him, but at least he keeps me company.

I've got plenty of wood, but not enough food. I was able to kill some spiders that spawned overnight, so I had enough string to make a fishing rod. Now I can go fishing in Minecraft for food.

Not much of a catch today. Just some assorted fish, a lily pad, and a saddle.

Tomorrow, I will build a boat and head for the bigger island in search of some animals.

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